This course will give an overview over the main movements in Post-Kantian German Philosophy. It will be led by professors from Marquette University and Cologne University plus invited guest speakers, who are distinguished scholars in these fields of research from nearby universities. It will give an historical overview over the main developments since Kant, but will also engage in current debates on the issues first raised by thinkers in the classical German tradition.
The course will be taught at the University of Cologne. On the 6th day, the group will go on an excursion to the city of Freiburg, the city where the tradition of Phenomenology originated. The group will get a tour of the Husserl and Waldenfels Archives and the University there, visit the city and make a trip to the Black Forest.
More information can be found here.If students from other Universities wish to participate, they would start an online application in the same manner as Marquette students. They would, however, be required to enroll as non-degree seeking Marquette students for the summer term and pay Marquette University tuition. We also require some additional information from them, including their home university transcript and a Home Institution Study Abroad Advisor Form, which would tell us that their home international office is aware of, and supportive of, their participation on the program.