Travel Stipends

The Chicago Center for German Philosophy provides travel stipends for both graduate students and faculty from the University of Chicago to participate in events related to German Philosophy abroad.

The travel stipends for UChicago graduate students and faculty come in two forms: (1) summer monthly stipends for students or faculty to participate in a series of CCCP-sponsored events in Germany or elsewhere in Europe over the summer months, and (2) event-targeted stipends in which traveling scholars are reimbursed solely for their travel expenses to, at, and from a particular event.

Every summer the Center co-organizes, along with our institutional partners, a series of conferences, workshops, and intensive seminars. These are scheduled to run more or less consecutively from the second week of June to sometime in late July or early August. These events generally take place at various locations in Germany and neighboring countries in Europe. For information on forthcoming conferences, click here. For information on forthcoming intensive seminars, click here. To qualify for a one-month summer stipend, an applicant must plan to participate off and on in a stretch of such events over a period of at least three weeks. To qualify for a two-month summer stipend, an applicant must plan to participate off and on in a stretch of such events over a period of at least seven weeks. For more information regarding the precise rules governing eligibility for monthly stipends, please contact Bastian Schönfeld at: bastian.schoenfeld [at]

Several of the CCGP co-sponsored conferences that take place each summer are graduate student conferences at which University of Chicago graduate students, along with doctoral students from participating German universities, are invited to present papers. Click here to find the announcements for the calls for papers for our upcoming graduate student conferences. For precise and fully up-to-date information about our forthcoming graduate student conferences, please contact Gilad Nir at: gilad.nir [at]

Any graduate student or faculty member affiliated with the University of Chicago may apply for a summer stipend. Graduate students and recent graduates qualify as affiliated, if they are (a) prospective graduate students who will matriculate at the University of Chicago during the fall immediately following the summer in question, (b) current graduate students who are in good standing in a PhD program at the University of Chicago, or (c) recent PhDs who have completed their doctorate at the University of Chicago sometime in the past four years. Summer stipends are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Travel stipends for post-doctoral researchers (completed PhD required) are for €2650 per month; travel stipends for doctoral students are for €1475 per month. If you are interested in applying for a summer stipend and wish to reserve a spot on the applicant list, please contact Mathis Koschel as soon as possible and, in any case, by no later than by May 1st of the year in question. He can be reached at: koschel [at]

It is also possible to qualify for monthly stipends to come to the University of Leipzig as a visiting graduate student during the Chicago fall quarter, but only if the applicant is at the dissertation stage and has the permission of his or her dissertation committee members to do so. For more information click hereGraduate students can also apply for non-CCGP event-targeted stipends for conferences on topics in German Philosophy at which they themselves are presenting work or for intensive language training courses in Germany or Austria.

The funds in any given year are limited and the allocation of their use is prioritized according to the following scheme: (i) summer stipends, (ii) summer CCGP event-targeted stipends, (iii) non-summer CCGP event-targeted stipends, (iv) summer non-CCGP event-targeted stipends, and (v) non-summer non-CCGP event-targeted stipends. In any given year, funds usually suffice for purposes (i) – (iii); their availability for purposes (iv) and (v) varies from year to year.

Finally, there are some restrictions regarding who may qualify for which sorts of funding when: Any graduate student or faculty member whose name is on the program of a CCGP co-sponsored event automatically qualifies to have their travel and accommodation costs for the duration of the event reimbursed. Any graduate student or faculty member whose name is on the program of a CCGP co-sponsored event and also qualifies for a monthly stipend may receive both the travel reimbursement and the monthly stipend. Any graduate student or faculty member receiving a monthly stipend whose name is not on the program of a CCGP co-sponsored event does not qualify for additional financing for travel or accommodation costs over and above the monthly stipend. Finally, graduate students are eligible to apply for a non-CCGP event-targeted stipend to attend a conference, only if they themselves are presenting at that conference and they have already exhausted their departmental conference travel funds for the year in question.

Faculty of the University of Chicago interested in applying for travel stipends should direct their questions and applications to: jconant [at]

Click here for a list of our institutional partners abroad.

Click here for information on forthcoming conferences.

And here for information about intensive seminars abroad.

Announcements (e.g., calls for papers for graduate student conferences), can be found here.