Visiting Doctoral Fellows at Chicago
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Winter and Spring Quarter 2020
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Winter and Spring Quarter 2020
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Bonn
Academic Year 2019
Florian Ganzinger
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Winter and Spring Quarters 2019
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Bonn
Autumn Quarter 2018
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the Goethe University Frankfurt
Spring Quarter 2019
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the Free University of Berlin
Spring Quarter 2019
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from Vanderbilt University
Spring Quarter 2019
Bastian Schönfeld
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Winter and Spring Quarters 2019
Johannes Sudau
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Winter and Spring Quarters 2019
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
February 2018
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
February 2018
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Winter and Spring Quarters 2018
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
January 2018
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Academic Year 2017/18
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
February 2018
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Bonn
Academic Year 2017/18
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Academic Year 2016/17
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Academic Year 2016/17
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Leipzig
Winter and Spring Quarters 2017
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Bonn
Academic Year 2016/17
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the Free University of Berlin
Spring & Summer Quarters 2016
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Bonn
Academic Year 2015/16
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from King’s College London
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the Free University of Berlin
Academic Year 2014/15
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main
Spring Quarter 2015
Visiting Doctoral Fellow from the University of Bonn
Academic Year 2014/15