Agents of Change: A Public Workshop on a Book Manuscript by Ben Laurence (University of Chicago)

The Department of Philosophy and the Mind and Action Workshop warmly invite to participate in “Agents of Change: A Public Workshop on a Book Manuscript by Ben Laurence,” on May 31, Friday of 9th week of Spring Quarter. Martha Nussbaum (Chicago) and David Estlund (Brown) will present comments on the manuscript.

The book manuscript is entitled Agents of Change: Political Philosophy as Practical Reasoning and explores the relationship of theory to practice in political philosophy, arguing that philosophical reasoning about justice is practical reasoning that comes all the way back to an agent of change. It explores the role of considerations about realism and the utopian impulse in this enterprise, arguing that they mutually condition our practical response to injustice.


The main focus of the workshop will be on discussion, so the manuscript is to be read ahead of the workshop and who wants to attend should come prepared with questions. Please send an email to koschel [at] for the book manuscript.

Location: Rosenwald 405