Hegel’s Kantian Logic of Purposiveness: Reframing the Point of Transition from Critical to Absolute Idealism
Gerad Gentry (Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Law, Lewis University; Associate to Germanic Studies, University of Chicago)
Literature and Philosophy Workshop
The University of Chicago
5pm April 11th (Foster 505)
In this paper, I argue that Hegel adopts Kant’s synthetic, a priori principle of purposiveness from the third Critique as the logical form of reason needed for two key identities: (1) freedom and necessity, and (2) the a priori and a posteriori domains of reason. As the key to these identities, purposiveness thereby provides the Logic with its transition from critical to absolute idealism. I suggest that the method by which these identities are given display how the transition achieved remains consistent with the Kantian discursive limits of reason.
The paper should be read in advance of the workshop.