Call for Papers

Workshop: Matthew Boylethe Significance of Self-Consciousness

University of Leipzig, 12-14 June 2019

We invite graduate students and recent PhDs from the University of Chicago and the University of Leipzig to submit papers for a three-day workshop with Matthew Boyle on the themes of his philosophy. The workshop is to be held at the University of Leipzig12-14 June 2019. Possible topics include any aspect of his work, such as: transformative vs additive theories of rationality, the activity of belief, the transparency of self-knowledge, and what contemporary philosophy can learn from Aristotle, Kant and Sartre.

The workshop is, among other things, the culmination of an MA seminar to be held in the Winter and Summer semester at the University of Leipzig, but is also open to PhD students not attending the seminar. Each speaker will have approximately an hour for presentation and discussion. Matthew Boyle will respond to papers, and also give a presentation of his own.

The deadline for submission is 31 March 2019. To apply, please submit a paper, suitable for a 20-minute presentation, to the organisers at, with the subject heading “Matt Boyle Workshop Submission”. Please include name, institutional affiliation, and program. The papers will be evaluated by a committee of Leipzig and Chicago faculty members. We will be able to provide compensation for travel expenses.

Organizers: James Conant (University of Chicago/Leipzig), Matthias Haase (University of Chicago), Jonas Held (University of Leipzig) and Martijn Wallage (University of Leipzig)

Conference Website