Recent Events
Here you will find documentation on conferences related to German philosophy that took place at the University of Chicago since 2014.
The majority of the co-sponsored conferences were co-organized with the FAGI’s institutional partners at that university, including the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, the Committee on Social Thought, the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Germanic Studies, and the Neubauer Collegium.
If available, a click on the conference poster will lead you to the poster of the conference and a click on the conference name to the webpage of the conference.
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CCGP Conferences, 2017–present
FAGI Conferences, 2013-17
Chicago-Leipzig Conferences, prior to 2013
CCGP Conferences, 2017–present
FAGI Conferences, 2013-17
Chicago-Leipzig Conferences, prior to 2013

Other Minds/Other Wills
First Conference of the Chicago Mind & Action Workshop
University of Chicago
June 2–3, 2017
Concepts of Aesthetic Form
A Conference of 'The Idealism Project: Self-Determining Form and Autonomy of the Humanities'
University of Chicago
January 13–15, 2017
Skepticism as a Form of Philosophical Experience
A conference organized by Jason Bridges, James Conant, and Rico Gutschmidt, with the support of the Volkswagen Stiftung and the Franke Institute
University of Chicago
February 3–5, 2017
Society for German Idealism and Romanticism
Inaugural Conference of the Society for German Idealism and Romanticism
University of Chicago
October 1–2, 2016
Revolutions in the Concepts of Form
A Conference of ‘The Idealism Project: Self-Determining Form and Autonomy of the Humanities'
University of Chicago
October 29–31, 2015