CCGP Conference Archive
Here you will find information pertaining to conferences that have been sponsored or co-sponsored by the CCGP, together with our institutional partners in Leipzig, Berlin, Göttingen, Patras, Potsdam, and Tel Aviv.
Please click on the posters or titles to get to the webpage of the respective conference.
FAGI Conferences, 2013–2017
Chicago-Leipzig Conferences prior to 2013
Kant's Doctrine of Right
March 10-12, 2023
University of Chicago
Contact: pankaidi [at] uchicago.edu
Action Network Meeting: Know How
July 14-16, 2022
University of Leipzig
Contact: dawa.ometto [at] uni-leipzig.de

First and Second Nature
June 21-23, 2022
University of Patras
Contact: james_ferguson.conant [at] uni-leipzig.de
4th Göttingen / Chicago / Leipzig Graduate Conference
June 16-18, 2022
University of Göttingen
Contact: martijn.wallage [at] uni-leipzig.de
Graduate Workshop with Michael Kremer on Know How
July 9-11, 2020
University of Leipzig
Contact: vanessa.carr [at] uni-leipzig.de
Spontaneität und Autonomie
January 3-5, 2019
University of Leipzig
Contact: jonas.held [at] uni-leipzig.de
Selbstgesetzgebung und Befreiung
February 5, 2019
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Contact: jonas.held [at] uni-leipzig.de
Thinking and Being
March 1-3, 2019
University of Chicago
Contact: koschel [at] uchicago.edu
Thought and Judgment
March 8-10, 2019
University of Chicago
Contact: tillhoeppner [at] uchicago.edu
Language, Medium, and Image
June 6-7, 2019
University of Bordeaux Montaigne
Contact: jeanphilippe [at] narboux.fr
frieli [at] tauex.tau.ac.il
Matthew Boyle: the Significance of Self-Consciousness
June 12-14, 2019
University of Leipzig
LECTURE on June 11
Contact: martijnwallage [at] gmail.com
Theoretical and Practical Self-Counsciousness
June 18-20, 2019
University of Patras
10th Anniversary
Contact: a.j.hinshelwood [at] gmail.com
The Primacy of Metaphysics
A Conference with Christopher Peacocke
June 24-25, 2019
University of Leipzig
Contact: Sebastian Rödl
3rd Göttingen/Leipzig/Chicago Graduate Conference
June 27-29, 2019
University of Göttingen
Contact: martijnwallage [at] gmail.com
Limiting Concepts in German Idealism
July 1-2, 2019
University of Potsdam
Contact: bianca.ancillotti [at] uni-leipzig.de
Analytic Kantianism
July 8-10, 2019
University of Leipzig
Contact: bianca.ancillotti [at] uni-leipzig.de
Action-Network-Meeting: Two-Way Powers
July 12-14, 2019
University of Leipzig
Contact: dawa.ometto [at] uni-leipzig.de
Wittgenstein's Legacy
July 24-25, 2019
University of Leipzig
Contact: gilad.nir [at] uni-leipzig.de
Wittgenstein Summer School 2019
July 30- August 3, 2019
in Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria
Contact: gilad.nir [at] uni-leipzig.de
The Translation of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Translation
September 23-24, 2019
University of Potsdam
Contact: bianca.ancillotti [at] uni-leipzig.de
September 27-28, 2019
University of Illinois at Chicago
Contact: philosophyandhabit [at] gmail.com
Stanley Cavell's 'The Claim of Reason'
November 7-9, 2019
University of Leipzig
Contact: gilad.nir [at] uni-leipzig.de
Critique, Commentary and Translation
December 16-18, 2019
University of Tel Aviv
Contact: bianca.ancillotti [at] uni-leipzig.de
Kant, Neo-Kantianism, and Jewish Thought
December 17-19, 2018
University of Tel-Aviv
Contact: gilad.nir [at] uni-leipzig.de
Zur Theorie ästhetischer Eigenzeiten
November 15–16, 2018
Universität Leipzig
Contact: dirk.oschmann [at] uni-leipzig.de
Co-sponsored Intensive Seminar in Pardubice with James Conant and Cora Diamond
October 22-24, 2018
University of Pardubice
Contact: niklas.forsberg [at] upce.cz
Logic and Ethics: The Philosophy of Cora Diamond
October 15-17, 2018
University of Leipzig
Contact: johannes.sudau [at] gmail.com
Self-Consciousness and Objectivity - A Conference with Sebastian Rödl
October 5-7, 2018
University of Chicago
Contact: koschel [at] uchicago.edu
Agency and Time
July 26-28, 2018
University of Leipzig
A meeting of the Action Network
Contact: dawa.ometto [at] uni-leipzig.de
Teleological Structures in Human Life – A Workshop with Anselm W. Müller
July 20-22, 2018
University of Leipzig
Contact: christian.kietzmann [at] uni-leipzig.de
Philosophy of Right: Kant, Fichte, Hegel
July 16-18, 2018
University of Leipzig
Contact: dawa.ometto [at] uni-leipzig.de
Additive vs. Transformative Conceptions of Rationality
June 27-29, 2018
University of Patras
Contact: gilad.nir [at] uni-leipzig.de
Kant's Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone
June 22-24, 2018
University of Leipzig
Contact: gilad.nir [at] uni-leipzig.de
2nd Göttingen/Leipzig/Chicago Graduate Conference
June 18-20, 2018
University of Göttingen
Contact: Holmer.Steinfath [at] phil.uni-goettingen.de
The Conclusion of Practical Reasoning
April 5–6, 2018
Andrea Kern: Sources of Knowledge
February 9–11, 2018
University of Chicago
Contact: koschel [at] uchicago.edu
Goethe and Philosophy
December 17–21, 2017
University of Tel-Aviv
A Conference of GIF Project Life and Mind
Barry Stroud: Engagement and Metaphysical Dissatisfaction
December 11–13, 2017
University of Leipzig
Judgment Day: Sebastian Rödl's 'Self-Consciousness and Objectivity'
October 28–29, 2017
University of Utrecht
Logic and Life: Themes from the Work of Irad Kimhi
July 3–5, 2017
University of Leipzig
Forms of Reason - 1st Göttingen/Leipzig/Chicago Graduate Conference
July 10–11, 2017
University of Göttingen