Patras / Chicago Conference Series

This conference series is devoted to topics in philosophy of action, mind, perception, and self-consciousness at the intersection of analytic philosophy, German idealism, and the phenomenological tradition. Under the leadership of Costas Pagondiotis, from 2014 to 2017 it was sponsored by the Department of Philosophy of the University of Patras with generous financial assistance from a Mellon Foundation Grant held by Professor John McDowell of the University of Pittsburgh. Starting in 2018, it is funded with the assistance of the Humboldt Project.

Forthcoming Events

12th Annual Patras / Chicago Conference


Past Events

First and Second Nature

Conference organized by Costas Pagondiotis
University of Patras
June 21–23, 2022

After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, this will be the eleventh installment of the annual Patras conference series devoted to topics centered around self-consciousness, initiated and organized by James Conant, John McDowell, and Costas Pagondiotis. This year’s conference will focus on the concepts of first and second nature.

Theoretical and Practical Self-Consciousness

Conference organized by Costas Pagondiotis
University of Patras
June 18–20, 2019

This will be the tenth anniversary of the annual Patras conference on topics centered around self-consciousness, initiated and organized by James Conant, John McDowell, and Costas Pagondiotis. This year’s conference will welcome papers on all of the topics covered in our previous events: including the topic of self-consciousness as it arises in theoretical philosophy and especially the philosophy of perception, as well as in practical philosophy and especially the philosophy of action. Central figures whose work has been discussed in this connection at our previous events include Kant, Hegel, Sellars, McDowell Pippin, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty, as well as Anscombe, Thompson and Hornsby. We also welcome papers on the topic of the relation or difference between non-rational and rational self-conscious beings, especially in connection with the current debate between additive theories of rationality and their various critics.


Additive vs. Transformative Conceptions of Rationality

Conference organized by Costas Pagondiotis
University of Patras
June 27–29, 2018


Reflection and Non-Propositional Self-Consciousness

Conference organized by Costas Pagondiotis and Stasinos Stavrianeas
University of Patras
June 19–21, 2017


Self-Consciousness & Rationality


Workshop organized by Andreas Michalakis & Costas Pagondiotis
University of Patras
June 16–18, 2016


Experience and Judgment

Conference organized by Costas Pagondiotis & Stasinos Stavrianeas
University of Patras
June 18–20, 2015


Intuitional Content and the Myth of the Given

Conference organized by Costas Pagondiotis & Stasinos Stravianeas
University of Patras
June 23–25, 2014


Book Symposium: Self-Consciousness

University of Patras
June 28–29, 2013

Self-Consciousness and Perception

University of Patras
June 21–22, 2012

Self-Consciousness and Perception

University of Patras
June 21–22, 2012

Aspects of the Work of John McDowell

Celebrating 10 Years since the foundation of the Department of Philosophy

University of Patras
June 17–18, 2010