Chicago / Leipzig Cooperative Project
The Departments of Philosophy at the University of Leipzig and at the University of Chicago have a long history of cooperation, including the exchange of scholars, guest professors, and visiting students, as well as various conferences and workshops. Below you find a list of conferences that took place at the University of Leipzig or the University of Chicago and were co-organized by the group of people that now form the Chicago Center for German Philosophy.
By clicking on the title of the conference, you’ll get to the webpage or program of the conference.
Thinking and Being
March 1–3, 2019
University of Chicago
Thought and Judgment
March 8–10, 2019
University of Chicago

Sources of Knowledge – A Conference with Andrea Kern
February 9–11, 2018
University of Chicago

Kant’s Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone
June 22-24, 2018
University of Leipzig

Philosophy of Right: Kant, Fichte, Hegel
July 16-18, 2018
University of Leipzig

Teleological Structures in Human Life – A Workshop with Anselm W. Müller
July 20-22, 2018
University of Leipzig

Agency and Time
July 26-28, 2018
University of Leipzig
A meeting of the Action Network

Self-Consciousness and Objectivity – A Conference with Sebastian Rödl
October 5-7, 2018
University of Chicago
Concepts of Aesthetic Form
January 13–15, 2017
University of Chicago
A Conference of ‘The Idealism Project: Self-Determining Form and Autonomy of the Humanities’
Skepticism as a Form of Philosophical Experience
February 3–5, 2017
University of Chicago
A conference organized by Jason Bridges, James Conant, and Rico Gutschmidt, with the support of the Volkswagen Stiftung and the Franke Institute

Manuscript Workshop: Thinking and Being
February 25, 2017
University of Chicago
A Workshop on Irad Kimhi’s book manuscript Thinking and Being
A Spirit of Trust: Norms, Self-Consciousness, and Recognition
May 31 – June 2, 2017
University of Leipzig
Lecture series by Robert Brandom (Pittsburgh)
Recht, Kraft, Tragödie
June 12–13, 2017
University of Leipzig
An International Workshop with Christoph Menke

Logic and Life: Themes from the Work of Irad Kimhi
July 3–5, 2017
University of Leipzig

Barry Stroud: Engagement and Metaphysical Dissatisfaction
December 11–13, 2017
University of Leipzig
What is Reasoning? The Unity and Distinctness of Theoretical and Practical Inference
June 2–4, 2016
University of Leipzig
A Conference organized by Rebekka Gersbach (Leipzig), Jonas Held (Basel/Leipzig), and Ulf Hlobil (Pittsburgh/Leipzig).
The Temporality of Emotions
June 13–14, 2016
University of Leipzig
Workshop organized by Berislav Marušić (Brandeis University) and Sebastian Rödl (University of Leipzig)
A Spirit of Trust. Mediating the Immediate: The Consciousness Chapters of the Phenomenology
June 27–30, 2016
University of Leipzig
Lecture series by Robert Brandom (Pittsburgh)
Action and Ability
July 7–9, 2016
University of Leipzig
6th Meeting of the Action Network (DFGNetzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
The Form of Practical Knowledge
July 16–18, 2015
University of Leipzig
A Workshop with Stephen Engstrom (Pittsburgh)
July 23–25, 2015
University of Leipzig
5th Meeting of the Action Network (DFG Netzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
Revolutions in the Concepts of Form
October 29–31, 2015
University of Chicago
A Conference of ‘The Idealism Project: Self-Determining Form and Autonomy of the Humanities’
A Spirit of Trust: Knowing and Representing
December 14-16, 2015
University of Leipzig
Lecture series by Robert Brandom (Pittsburgh)
Walter Benjamin as a Philosopher
February 14–16, 2014
University of Chicago
Kant and Sellars
February 21–23, 2014
University of Chicago
Agency and Alienation
May 22–24, 2014
University of Leipzig
Being and Goodness
July 4–5, 2014
University of Leipzig
4th Meeting of the Action Network (DFG Netzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
The Question of Absolute Idealism
July 16–18, 2014
University of Leipzig
A Workshop With Paul Franks and Sebastian Gardner
From Animal Self to Human Self
September 19–21, 2014
University of Leipzig
Practical Knowledge
April 19–21, 2013
University of Leipzig
2nd Meeting the Action Network (DFG Netzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
Author meets Critics: Robert Stern – Understanding Moral Obligation
May 23–25, 2013
University of Leipzig
Kant’s Doctrine of Right
July 8–10, 2013
University of Leipzig
The Capacity to Follow a Rule
August 1–3, 2013
University of Leipzig
The Second Person
October 17–19, 2013
University of Leipzig
Stanley Cavell’s Aesthetics
March 2–4, 2012
University of Chicago
FAGI Inaugural Conference
December 3, 2012
University of Leipzig
The Human Animal
December 19–20, 2012
University of Leipzig
Aristotle and Kant on Form and Matter
April 15–17, 2011
University of Chicago
Wittgenstein on the Literary, the Ethical & the Unsayable
June 2–4, 2011
University of Chicago
Testimony and Generality, Joint Action and Plural Self-Consciousness
October 13–14, 2011
University of Chicago
Two lectures by Sebastian Rödl
Prior to 2011
Kant on Intuition
April 30 – May 2, 2010
University of Chicago

Nietzsche: Style and Thought
February 8–9, 2008
University of Chicago
The Problem of Non-Discursive Thought. From Goethe to Wittgenstein II
October 12–14, 2007
University of Chicago
The Problem of Non-Discursive Thought. From Goethe to Wittgenstein I
October 6–8, 2006
University of Chicago