Pardubice / Leipzig Cooperative Project
The FAGI at the University of Leipzig and the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value at the University of Pardubice are engaged in a cooperative project consisting of a series of co-organized conferences and the exchange of scholars. The primary contact persons for this project are Prof. James Conant (Leipzig) and Prof. Niklas Forsberg (Pardubice).
Past Events

Intensive Seminar with James Conant and Cora Diamond
October 22–24, 2018
Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice
For more details, please click here.

Ethics: Form and Content
A conference organized by the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value in collaboration with The Nordic Wittgenstein Society
May 26—27, 2018
Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice
This two-day conference will focus on questions about the relationship between form and content in ethical reflection. It will address a number of questions about the relation between ethics (or philosophy) and literature, photography, film, and arts. For example: In what respect does ethical reflection depend on the form in which it is investigated? What are the differences between ethical reflections conducted in theoretical forms of discourse, such as abstract theorizing and various forms of analyses, and ethical forms of investigations and reflections that take the shape of, say, a novel, a film or any other art form? Can the same moral concerns be investigated in different media and reach the same conclusions? And if not, what would that mean? Aside from addressing the particular manifestations of ethical content, what are the ethics of evaluating artistic form?
Keynote Speakers:
- Andrew Klevan (University of Oxford, UK)
- Toril Moi (Duke University, USA)
- Dawn M. Wilson (University of Hull, UK)
For more information, contact niklas.forsberg [at] upce.cz
Intensive Seminar: Form and Formalism in Literary Studies
May 28-30
Following the conference Ethics: Form and Content the Centre for Ethics at Pardubice will host a three-day intensive seminar with Toril Moi (Hull), on Form and Formalism in Literary Studies. More information can be found here.