University of Göttingen
Alte Mensa: Wilhelmsplatz 3, 37037 Göttingen
July 20-22, 2023
daniele.bruno [at] uni-goettingen.de
kaidi.pan [at] yale.edu

Conference Program
July 20th, 2023
The Suspension of Reason: Reflective Singularity and the Question of the Common Root in Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment
Rethinking our Ignorance of things in themselves: the dynamical Antinomies’ answer to the two-world/dual aspect Debate
Pure Thinking and its Relation to Reality- Hegel on Concept and Reality
Rethinking Hegel’s Theory of Punishment in the Philosophy of Right
Inferences are Not Causal Phenomena
July 21st, 2023
Wittgenstein and the Warenfetisch – Affinities Between Wittgenstein’s Notion of Practice and Marx’s Theory of Commodity Fetishism
Wittgenstein’s Beetle as Reductio ad Absurdum of “Augustine’s Conception of Language” and an Erroneous Philosophical Pathway
Meaning, Quotation, Voice — an Investigation
Anscombe on Reason and Desire
On the Paradox of the Law
The Connection Theory: Principles for allocating remedial responsibility in complex cases.
July 22nd, 2023
Externalism without Essentialism: Hilary Putnam on Natural Kind Terms
What’s the Point of the ‘Western Canon’?
To access the optional pre-readings, please click here.