Chicago–Leipzig Conferences Prior to 2013
Here you will find information on conferences jointly organized by the Departments of Philosophy at the University of Leipzig and the University of Chicago, prior to the founding of the FAGI in December 2012.
It is from these early cooperative ventures that the FAGI and from that the CCGP emerged. This original series of conferences alternated between Chicago and the Berlin/Leipzig area. Those that took place in Berlin were co-sponsored by the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
If available, you can see the poster of the conference in large format by clicking on the small posters on the left. Clicking on the conference title will bring you to the program or conference webpage.
You may also be interested in:
CCGP Conference Archive, 2017–present
FAGI Conference Archive, 2013–2017
Logik und Selbstbewusstsein
III. Internationaler Kant-Workshop
University of Leipzig
July 12–14, 2012
Wittgenstein on the Literary, the Ethical & the Unsayable
University of Chicago
June 2–4, 2011
Testimony and Generality, Joint Action and Plural Self-Consciousness
Two lectures by Sebastian Rödl
University of Chicago
October 13–14, 2011
The Problem of Non-Discursive Thought. From Goethe to Wittgenstein II
University of Chicago
October 12–14, 2007
The Problem of Non-Discursive Thought. From Goethe to Wittgenstein I
University of Chicago
October 6–8, 2006