Workshops & Conferences Archive
The second of these archives spans the period from late 2012 to mid–2017. Going back to the Inaugural Conference of our institutional partner the FAGI in December 2012, this archive collects materials from all of the conferences that were co-sponsored by the University of Chicago Philosophy Department and the FAGI prior to July 2017. These include conferences hosted by the Department of Philosophy or the Neubauer Collegium at the University of Chicago, as well as conferences hosted by the FAGI which took place at the University of Leipzig.
The third of these archives spans the period from 2006 to 2012. It documents the original cooperative ventures between the University of Chicago and the University of Leipzig. These events helped to forge the original intellectual and institutional connections out of which the Idealism Project and the Chicago Center for German Philosophy along with the FAGI and the Humboldt Project at the University of Leipzig emerged.