Action Network
The Action Network organizes a series of meetings in the philosophy of action and ethics. It brings together philosophers of action from a variety of countries, primarily from Europe, the UK, the US, Canada, and Israel. At each meeting there will be guests whose work is seminal on the topic. The aim is to facilitate exchange of thought. So rather than having a series of formal talks, the workshops are focused on discussion. The papers discussed at the workshop are distributed in advance to all participants of the workshop. No papers are presented at the workshops. After a short introduction by the respective author, each session is devoted entirely to the discussion of the paper.
In 2012, the Network’s precursor was founded under the title Praktisches Denken und gutes Handeln (Practical Thought and Good Action) as a 5-year DfG funded project (see here for the original website) directed by Dr. Thomas Hoffmann (University of Magdeburg), Dr. Matthias Haase (University of Chicago), and Dr. Tim Henning (University of Stuttgart). After the first seven meetings, a group of people in the original DfG-Network decided to continue the cooperation. Since then, the Network has continued under a new guise, with support from various institutions, most recently from the Humboldt Project.
The Action Network is currently organized by Matthias Haase (Chicago), Dawa Ometto (Leipzig), and Erasmus Mayr (Erlangen).

Maria Alvarez (King’s College London)
Amichai Amit (University of Chicago)
Valerie Aucouturier (University St. Louis, Brussels)
Carla Bagnoli (Modena/Oslo)
Anastasia Berg (Cambridge University)
Jason Bridges (University of Chicago)
Fabian Börchers (FU Berlin)
Lucy Campbell (Oxford University)
Vanessa Carr (Universität Leipzig)
James Conant (University of Chicago)
Ursula Coope (Oxford University)
Timo Ertz (Universität Gießen)
Patricio Fernandez (Universidad de los Andes)
Luca Ferrero (University of California, Riverside)
Anton Ford (University of Chicago)
Jennifer Frey (University of South Carolina)
Wolfram Gobsch (Universität Leipzig)
Matthias Haase (University of Chicago)
Adrian Haddock (University of Stirling)
Arata Hamawaki (Auburn University)
Tim Henning (Universität Stuttgart)
Alec Hinshelwood (Universität Leipzig)
Sukaina Hirji (Virginia Tech)
Ulf Hlobil (Concordia University)
Thomas Hoffmann (Universität Magdeburg)
David Horst (Porto Alegre)
David Hunter (Ryerson University)
John Hyman (Oxford University)
Andrea Kern (Universität Leipzig)
Christian Kietzmann (Universität Erlangen)
Ben Laurence (University of Chicago)
Douglas Lavin (UCL)
Gus Law (Vassar)
Kathryn Lindeman (St. Louis)
Susanne Mantel (Universität Saarland)
Eric Marcus (Auburn University)
Erasmus Mayr (Universität Erlangen)
Anselm Müller (University of Chicago)
Alexandra Newton (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Katharina Nieswandt (Concordia University)
Rory O’Connell (University of Chicago)
Dawa Ometto (Universität Leipzig)
Sarah Paul (University Wisconsin)
Carlotta Pavese (Cornell)
Devlin Russell (York)
Sebastian Rödl (Universität Leipzig)
Karl Schafer (University of California, Irvine)
Christoph Schuringa (NCH London)
Kieran Setiya (MIT)
Tamar Shapiro (MIT)
Will Small (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Pirmin Stekeler (Universität Leipzig)
Helen Steward (Leeds)
Sergio Tenenbaum (University of Toronto)
Michael Thompson (University of Pittsburgh)
Natalia Waights Hickman (Oxford)
Peter Wiersbinski (Universität Regensburg)
Eric Wiland (UMSL)
Rachael Wiseman (University of Liverpool)
Hong Yu Wong (Universität Tübingen)
Forthcoming Events
12th Annual Action Network Meeting
July 13-15, 2023
University of Leipzig
Contact: dawa.ometto [at] uni-leipzig.de
Past Events

Action Network Meeting: Know How
July 14-16, 2022
University of Leipzig
Contact: dawa.ometto [at] uni-leipzig.de
Two-Way Powers
Workshop / Meeting of the Action Network
July 12-14, 2019
University of Leipzig
Organized by Dawa Ometto (Leipzig) and Matthias Haase (Chicago).
For more info see here.
Agency and Time
Workshop / Meeting of the Action Network
July 26–28, 2018
University of Leipzig
Organized by Dawa Ometto (Leipzig) and Matthias Haase (Chicago).
For further info, click here.
The Conclusion of Practical Reasoning
Tenth Annual Auburn Philosophy Conference / A Meeting of the Action Network
April 5–6, 2018
Auburn, AL
For further info, click here.

Virtues and Rational Capacities
7th Meeting of the Action Network
July 7–9, 2017
University of Erlangen
Action and Ability
6th Meeting of the Action Network (DFGNetzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
July 7–9, 2016
University of Leipzig
5th Meeting of the Action Network (DFG Netzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
July 23–25, 2015
University of Leipzig
Being and Goodness
4th Meeting of the Action Network (DFG Netzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
July 4–5, 2014
University of Leipzig
Practical Reasoning
3rd Meeting of the Action Network (DFG Netzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
November 15–17, 2013
University of Stuttgart
Practical Knowledge
2nd Meeting of the Action Network (DFG Netzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
April 19–21, 2013
University of Leipzig
Action Explanation and Causality
1st Meeting of the Action Network (DFG Netzwerk Praktisches Denken und Gutes Handeln)
April 19–21, 2013
University of Leipzig